

校外的雇主 & 社区合作伙伴常见问题

Handshake是一个现代的大学招聘平台, which means it’s great at reaching students and helping connect them with resources, 雇主, 以及他们感兴趣的职位.

要创建雇主帐户,请访问 握手的网站. 创建帐户后,不要忘记连接Clark.

你可以遵循这些 一步一步的指示 关于如何在握手中发布职位.

联系十大平台网赌所有的职业发展办公室 在这里.

  • 如果您对使用Handshake有疑问,请查看他们的 雇主协助中心.
  • Contact the 合适的十大平台网赌就业中心 (see employer link, above) for further assistance.


校园学生就业情况张贴在握手. For detailed information about our Student 就业 program, please click 在这里.


Handshake是一个现代化的平台,让学生可以轻松地学习, 雇主, 与社区伙伴建立联系.

  • Handshake hosts 雇主 worldwide who post entry-level job and 实习 opportunities at Clark.
  • 一旦学生自定义他们的个人资料, 握手创造工作, 实习 and on-campus event suggestions to each student based on their profile settings.
  • Students can set alerts for certain 雇主 and learn when those 雇主 post opportunities.
  • Handshake will become the main method for students to learn about and register for on-campus career 事件 and interviews.
  • 当学生选择公开他们的个人资料, 雇主可以直接通过Handshake招聘学生.
  • 成立于2014年, 握手很快成为900多所大学的标准, 400,000家组织和所有财富500强公司都使用握手.

作为教员加入是完全可选的. If you choose to join, you’ll be given a student account, which allows you to:

  • 自定义具有与您所在部门学生相似属性的配置文件
  • 看看学生们在握手中看到了什么
  • Search 雇主, jobs 实习s and fellowships available to Clark students through the platform
  • 帮助你的学生实习或找工作
  • Show your classes what Handshake can do for them, and encourage them to activate their accounts

十大网赌平台的所有学生都用他们的班纳账户开了一个账户, 教职员工需要创建一个帐户. 要申请学生帐户,请发送电子邮件ugoncampusemployment@clarku.Edu,并指定您想要一个学生帐户. 要在Handshake上发布工作,你需要一个雇主账户. 要申请雇主帐户,请发送电子邮件至ugoncampusemployment@clarku.Edu并指定你想要一个雇主帐户来发布工作.

You do not need to customize your profile to search for 雇主, jobs, 实习s and fellowships. 然而, customizing your profile will allow Handshake to send you curated job and 实习 suggestions. 如果您使用与学生相似的属性自定义您的个人资料, 你可以看到他们得到的各种建议.

Since you are not actually searching for a job on Handshake, we suggest keeping your profile private.

If you would like to post a job and you do not already have an employer account, 电子邮件ugoncampusemployment@52greenhome.com. 请参阅我们学生就业计划的详细信息 在这里.

ClarkCONNECT is the University’s platform for connecting students to alumni for sharing alumni-related 研究, 实习, 职业机会和指导. Handshake is a modern career services platform designed to connect students and 雇主 to each other, 事件, 和机会.


Handshake is a modern platform that is customized to suit your career needs.

  • Handshake will greatly expand the number of 雇主 worldwide who post job and 实习 opportunities at Clark.
  • Your feed will be filled with opportunities and 事件 related to your major and interests.
  • 您可以为某些雇主设置提醒.
  • 你可以注册参加活动和采访.
  • GSOM students: You can schedule an appointment with a career advisor through Handshake. (Undergrads and IDCE students, continue using your current appointment booking system).


Your profile is be pre-loaded; all you have to do is activate it. 有关设置的更多信息可以在 十大网赌平台的学生 的部分 握手页面.

  • 握手的学生帮助中心 is full of great resources and tutorials on doing everything from requesting an appointment to updating your profile.
  • 向你的 合适的十大平台网赌就业中心 or Handshake’s support staff (available from their online help center)!

下载“握手作业” & “职业”应用,这是一个带“H”的图标.”

Students should log into Handshake through ClarkYOU or the button on our central 握手页面. 如果你不能登录到握手, ClarkYOU, 或其他十大平台网赌服务, 联系ITS帮助台helpdesk@clarku.Edu或+1-508-793-7745. If you can use your 十大网赌平台 credentials to access these services but not Handshake, 电子邮件CareerServices@clarku.Edu和收到的任何错误信息.

要在Handshake中更新您的个人资料,请阅读以下文章: 如何更新个人资料.

The default setting for your profile is private – meaning that 雇主 can’t find you in a search. 如果你在找工作, 并希望让雇主看到你的个人资料, 遵循本文中的指导: 如何将您的学生档案更改为雇主的公共/私人档案.

一旦你上传了简历, 求职信, 或其他文件到握手, 它们可以立即使用.

然而, several programs across campus (such as applications for on-campus employment, 出国留学, 学术实习, 校园的资金, 等.) will require you to have your resume approved in order to complete those applications. 要做到这一点, upload your document in Handshake and contact the appropriate office to let them know that you wish to have it reviewed and approved for your application.

  • 本科生:cservices@52greenhome.com
  • GSOM: kkochis@52greenhome.com
  • IDCE: shanna@52greenhome.com
  • All others departments: please contact your faculty advisors as appropriate

一如既往地, we recommend that you have your resume and/or 求职信s reviews for ALL applications, 即使不是必需的.

Handshake有许多适当的措施来保护学生数据, including a default setting that sets the student profile to “private” until the individual student decides to make it “public” so that it can be discovered by potential 雇主.



If you believe t在这里 is an error in any of the preloaded information in your profile, 请发邮件至careerservices@52greenhome.com.

Students can retain their 握手的账户s after graduation and continue using them as alumni. Clark will share information about this transition with students directly in the months leading up to their graduation.

ClarkCONNECT is a place to find and apply for 实习 and employment opportunities shared by Clark alumni, 向校友寻求与职业相关的建议和指导. Handshake is a career services platform designed to connect students and 雇主 to each other, 事件, 和机会.


Handshake是一个现代的大学招聘平台, customized to suit users’ career needs.

  • Handshake will greatly expand the number of 雇主 worldwide who post job and 实习 opportunities at Clark.
  • 如果你在找工作, your feed will be filled with opportunities and 事件 related to your degree and interests. 您还可以为某些雇主设置提醒.
  • You can create an account to share opportunities with current Clark students as an alumni-employer.
  • 2018年5月及以后的毕业生:我们已经为你在握手. 您所需要做的就是使用您的ClarkYOU凭证登录.
  • 年长校友:申请a 握手的账户, fill out a brief survey as instructed, and select 十大网赌平台 as your school. 你的资料会发给十大平台网赌审批.

Alumni who graduated in May 2018 or after will automatically have an account in Handshake that they can use to search for jobs. 所有年龄较大的校友都需要申请一个账户(详见上文).

  • 请参阅我们的校外雇主常见问题解答 & 社区合作伙伴(上图).
  • 加入 ClarkCONNECT 为十大网赌平台的学生提供建议和指导, 分享你的实习经历, 研究, 或在ClarkCONNECT平台上寻找就业机会.